
Temparat (City Stats)

Population: 43,500 (Search +1)

Physical and Magical Environment

Terrain: Plains or Island/Beach
Appearance: Attractive (+1)
Hygiene: -0
Normal Mana (Common Enchantment)

Culture and Economy

Language: Weldorrian
Literacy: Broken
TL: 3
Wealth: Average (x1)
Status: -1 to 7

Political Environment

Government: Feudal, Municipality
CR: 2 (Corruption -1)
Military Resources: .6 Million Florins
Defense Bonus: +8


Temparat is the bustling the capital of Tempore that has seen a lot of growth recently due to the  expanding navy. The ruling family still lives in the castle built Prince Tempore, though it has been expanded upon over the years. The capital consists of the Old City and the New City. The Old City is the original city built hundreds of years ago and the outer walls still stand protecting Temparat from the land, while islands and rock formations protect the city from sea. Though the raiders of Stygnor cause havoc along the coastline from time to time, no true attack on Temparat has occurred in decades. New City consists of the towns and villages that formed outside of the original walls over the last hundred or so years. Walls have been built, but never finished, because New City has been growing faster than governmental plan and build.

Notable Locations:

The District of the Prince: The main feature of this district is the place where the Prince resides. The Prince is currently Queen Fillappa and her husband. She is a direct descendant of Prince Tempore and is the one that spearheaded the rise in the Tempore Navy. There are enough merchants and craftsman to keep this district relatively self sufficient. Courtiers, foreign dignitaries, and those of old money reside in this district.

The District of the Sun and Waves: In this district resides the campus of the Arcane Order. The campus consists of a number of buildings including dormitories, teaching halls, and practice rooms. In the center of campus is a large park. Also in this district are a number of temples and shrines. The largest temple on land is for Allatu, but there are also temples for Lycretia and Saylia. Smaller shrines to Gurri, Lorythu, Horcun, and Nythuly. The largest temple is the Temple of the Broken Waves off the coast of the city. There are ferries ran by the priests of Farlun that travel through out the day or by request. One ferry is relatively cheap, but a small donation to the church is encouraged. The other ferry is by appointment or the wealthy. A few wealthy people also have estates in this district, often with a beautiful view of the Temple of the Broken Waves.

Prosperous Fish District: This is the merchant district. Almost any craftsman or seller of legal goods can be found in this district. Many of the merchants live above their shops and in the center of the district is a large open area for a weekly market. The main docks are in this district and ships are unloaded everyday of the week. Along the docks are large warehouses that store many of the goods that are transported through out Tempore. Many new money families have estates in this area.

The District of a Thousand Huts: Most of the residences of the old city live in this district. Especially if their families have been around since the time Prince Tempore chose this city to be his capital or before. There is a large cemetery along the southern wall and another small shrine to Lycretia.

Net & Gear: Ran by a woman named Carina, who is married to Dutas one of the more wealthy fishermen

The Yard District: This district is relatively new and was once both part of the Prosperous Fish District and the District of a Thousand Huts until about a decade ago. Once Queen Fillappa, hired some Jaipurian shipwrights to expand her navy, she picked the northwest corner of Temparat to dedicated to building ships. These docks are in constant use either housing ships of the royal navy or a ship currently being built. The work is slow, but has brought a lot of people to the city looking for steady work.

The New City: Due to the prosperity of Temparat over the past seventy years during the reign of the last three Princes, the main city walls became too crowded and settlements began being built outside the walls. Every 20 years or so they try to build new walls to encase the new settlements, but this area is growing faster than the funds to build the walls can be acquired. Here are four major settlements: Salire, Lanbro, Ameil, and Faro that have all more or less melded into one. It is possible to live your life and never go into the Old City, but many who work in the city, live outside, or they will go for Market Day or for special religious holidays.