Half-Elves of Lycretia

Half-Elf [27]

            The only known humanoid species that are able to mate and produce offspring are humans and elves. Scholars of Lycretia believe that this is from Elves not being from this land. Unfortunately the relationships between Humans and Elves are fleeting and their offspring often have no homes. Half-elves are frequently outcasts as they fit into neither elven nor human society. They are resented by humans for being an unnatural union, as well as, their genetic link to elves which often give them their unnatural and ghostly voice. Elves resent them as products of those elves that allow themselves frivolous passion with outsiders and who are unable to live long enough to truly become elven. They are also shunned by the elves because they must abide by the laws of world and are not inherently born with the ability to manipulate magic.

Most half-elves are abandoned by their parents, especially on the continents of Elandorr and Shrinshaw. If the half-elf was born under the shade of an elven forest, elves will not let them die, but let them grow up with little social interaction with elven society, giving them food to survive, and eventually kicking them out when they are mature enough to survive, around 20 years of age. If born among humans, they are often ostracized by the town they grow up in, often along with the parent that tries to raise them. Many are abandoned on the streets or given to an orphanage to be raised. As half-elves on Myronspieir are more common due to more elven-human interaction, the abandonment is less, but are still often considered unnatural.

Still, most half-elves have a strong sense of self, but one that is centered on survival. They do not make friends easily and rarely have anywhere they call home. For half-elves rarely live in one place for more than a few months. They are wanderers and as such pray to Gurri, the Guide of the Dead, demi-god of traveling. For they believe he is like them, born from two worlds, but fit into neither. As professions, half-elves are predominately wandering minstrels, mercenaries, or traveling merchants. A few become thieves and brigands. Half-elven mercenaries are highly sought after as they are known to dedicate themselves to their job, either succeeding or dying. As merchants, they travel with their wares and are very good at convincing others to buy their goods. Half-elves with their elven voices and excellent memories make incredibly captivating minstrels and bards. Over three thousand years ago on Lycretia, before the arrival of the elves, there was a strong bardic culture. They were the historians, the sages, the seers, and the priests.  But when elves began to meddle with humans after their arrival, their elite position in society crumbled to dust and became long forgotten. There have always been traveling musicians, but bards were more than that. A few hundred years ago, half-elves revived the tradition.  Of all the major ancestries, half-elves are by far the least numerous, with no more than five or six thousand among the three continents of Lycretia. Though they live on average well over 150 years, they are sterile which just adds to their feeling of isolation.

Half-elves [27]

Advantages: DX+1; Extended Lifespan 1 [2]; Voice [10].

Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Second-Class Citizen) [-5].

Half-Elf (Myronspieir) [27]

Advantages: IQ+1 [20]; Extended Lifespan 1 [2]; Voice [10].

Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Second-Class Citizen) [-5].