Nelian Forest

East of Sorgusa, a full days walk away, is the Nelian Forest, one of the three in northern Tempore. At its greatest length it is about 50 miles long. It used to be twice as large a few hundred years ago, but as northern Tempore has grown, all of the forests have shrunk. 

Around 100 years ago, the town of Araxi was founded along the southern border using trees from the forest. Though no rivers to transport lumber existed, the town quickly became home to lots of lumberjacks and carpenters. Their goods would be made in the village and then sold elsewhere, usually to Serro to the south, which governs Araxi or Golan to the east, the largest settlement in Northern Tempore. But about 50 years ago, the forest became haunted, or so the people of Araxi believed. Accidents would occasionally befall a lumberjack to cut down a tree or someone gathering mushrooms would enter the forest and then never leave. Though the cutting down of trees and the use of the woods to create everything from furniture to barrels didn’t cease, it was drastically reduced. And over the past 25 years, the town of Araxi diminished both in size and in population. A few of the abandon houses were taken over by bandits over the years from time to time, but the main town itself still is a quiet place to live.

What actually happened was that a family Heasirretyn elves, who generally live in the grand forests at the base of the Shyrorn Mountains in Katen, had discovered after hundreds of years of searching that in this northern forest an artifact of great power that had been lost millennia ago. With the rumored return of a great evil in the southern lands, it was decided that it needed to be protected at all costs until the time of the Prophecy came true. So this family of elves on orders from their Queen moved from their home to make a new home. Now around 50 elves live in this forest, having made a small village in the center, high into the old growth trees. Though they don’t care if some of the forest is used by the humans in the nearby towns and village, but they have actively discouraged it from being a place where anyone visits. And if anyone does, they will watch them. Recently a halfling druid had made the forest a home, whom they watched carefully, but realized that she wasn’t there for the artifact, but rather an ancient tree that was a Shrine to a one of Lycretia’s twins, known as Tybeeda, the goddess of wilderness and nature. 

Though Elves are a rare sight, anywhere in Elandorr, they are very rare in Northern Tempore, but interestingly enough lot more Half-Elves have shown up in the last 30-35 years. And many of the people who have disappeared in the woods, some were hunting and needed to be taken care of, but others, some still reside deep in the woods. Heasirretyn elves, are the most playful of the elves that migrated to the World of Lycretia, but in Katen they do not interact with either the human or the dwarven settlements much due to not wanting to get involved with either of their wars. But this family of elves is very isolated from others of their ancestry, and need to enjoy life somehow. Some of these shenanigans and the occasional trek into a city, has allowed rumors to exist that there are elves in the Nelian Forest, but having humans live with them really allows them to get any goods or gear they can’t make with their hands or magic while still keeping their existence generally a secret.


Serro (City Stats)

Population: 900 (Search -2)

Physical and Magical Environment

Terrain: Plains
Appearance: Unattractive (-1)
Hygiene: -2
Normal Mana (Rare Enchantment)

Culture and Economy

Language: Weldorrian
Literacy: Broken
TL: 3
Wealth: Struggling
Status: -2 to 4

Political Environment

Government: Feudal, Municipality
CR: 4 (Corruption -2)
Military Resources: 6,300 Florins
Defense Bonus: +7


Serro is the name of the town that formed over the past couple of centuries around a well fortified keep. Once ruled by descendants of Lord Serro, about 20 years ago this fiefdom was granted to a young noble woman known today as Lady Eriqua. Though she rules the fiefdom and maintains the small garrison of Tempore Guards (about 14-16 soldiers at any given time), the town is administered by Raule who collects the taxes from surrounding villages with an iron fist. He lives lavishly and is not well liked. But as long as taxes flow from the villagers to the royal family, Lady Eriqua seems to not care about interfering.

The keep resides on a hill surrounded by a wide moat and stone walls. All of the original town is within these walls. There is a stone gate with an iron portcullis that is the only direct access to the keep and Old Serro. This gate closes at sundown. On the other side of the moat across from the gate is New Serro and where most of the growth of the past hundred years or so has been. New Serro is not very defensible, though there is a glorified fence around the town. Anyone of wealth has stone walls and iron gates that protector their manors. Raule having one of the nicer manors in town.

Notable Locations:

Silver Rapier: Though Lady Eriqua has an armourer that services the keep and maintains the gear of the Tempore Guard, the main blacksmith for the town is in New Serro run by a family of Elves. For reasons unknown to the town, there are about 10 members of the Neriflynnwithe family that work in town in various roles. Though Aerith Neriflynnwithe is an expert swordsmith, she provides the town and neighboring villages with horseshoes, nails, and farm tools. She was the first of the Neriflynnwithe to arrive in town about 20 years ago. Her brother, Elluin, handles the customers and is well liked by the villagers.

The Tamed Dragon: This Inn resides in Old Serro and is about 200 years old. Ran by an old couple, it is a comfortable, though not an elegant place to stay. Anyone of noble birth would stay in the keep itself, but travelers who want a nice warm place to stay and a hot bowl of stew with a side some roast mutton and tubers, speak highly of the place. Those who are able to entertain, tell stories, sing a few songs, or even perform magic can get a free meal and drink for any evening they perform. One of the bartenders is a female elf by the name of Salihn Neriflynnwithe who loves to talk to all of the travelers that come through the door. 

The Sun and the Waves: A small temple to Farlun and Allatu in Old Serro is from when the town was founded hundreds of years ago, though it has been updated over the centuries. The temple is ran by twin sister priests in their early 30s. When they were teenagers, both received visions from the gods. It wasn’t until they started studying theology and learning to manifest their powers, that they realized they were touched by two different gods. Five years ago when the old priest had passed away years early, leaving the temple fallow for a few years, they travelled from Waithome to this town in the inland of Tempore. There are a couple of shrines in gazebos in New Serro dedicated to a few other deities that the sisters maintain as well.

The Drunken Hog: The main inn and bar on the outskirts of town. This place serves travelers who want cheap fair, and clean bed, but not much else. The evenings can be quite boisterous when the townsfolk get rowdy after a night of drinking. It is a good place for gossip and Erlath Neriflynnwithe performs a few nights a week. He usually plays the lyre, though also quite proficient with the flute (that his wife made). Though he has a beautiful voice, only on quiet nights will he sing.

(updated because I never liked the name and finally found one I did)


Temparat (City Stats)

Population: 43,500 (Search +1)

Physical and Magical Environment

Terrain: Plains or Island/Beach
Appearance: Attractive (+1)
Hygiene: -0
Normal Mana (Common Enchantment)

Culture and Economy

Language: Weldorrian
Literacy: Broken
TL: 3
Wealth: Average (x1)
Status: -1 to 7

Political Environment

Government: Feudal, Municipality
CR: 2 (Corruption -1)
Military Resources: .6 Million Florins
Defense Bonus: +8


Temparat is the bustling the capital of Tempore that has seen a lot of growth recently due to the  expanding navy. The ruling family still lives in the castle built Prince Tempore, though it has been expanded upon over the years. The capital consists of the Old City and the New City. The Old City is the original city built hundreds of years ago and the outer walls still stand protecting Temparat from the land, while islands and rock formations protect the city from sea. Though the raiders of Stygnor cause havoc along the coastline from time to time, no true attack on Temparat has occurred in decades. New City consists of the towns and villages that formed outside of the original walls over the last hundred or so years. Walls have been built, but never finished, because New City has been growing faster than governmental plan and build.

Notable Locations:

The District of the Prince: The main feature of this district is the place where the Prince resides. The Prince is currently Queen Fillappa and her husband. She is a direct descendant of Prince Tempore and is the one that spearheaded the rise in the Tempore Navy. There are enough merchants and craftsman to keep this district relatively self sufficient. Courtiers, foreign dignitaries, and those of old money reside in this district.

The District of the Sun and Waves: In this district resides the campus of the Arcane Order. The campus consists of a number of buildings including dormitories, teaching halls, and practice rooms. In the center of campus is a large park. Also in this district are a number of temples and shrines. The largest temple on land is for Allatu, but there are also temples for Lycretia and Saylia. Smaller shrines to Gurri, Lorythu, Horcun, and Nythuly. The largest temple is the Temple of the Broken Waves off the coast of the city. There are ferries ran by the priests of Farlun that travel through out the day or by request. One ferry is relatively cheap, but a small donation to the church is encouraged. The other ferry is by appointment or the wealthy. A few wealthy people also have estates in this district, often with a beautiful view of the Temple of the Broken Waves.

Prosperous Fish District: This is the merchant district. Almost any craftsman or seller of legal goods can be found in this district. Many of the merchants live above their shops and in the center of the district is a large open area for a weekly market. The main docks are in this district and ships are unloaded everyday of the week. Along the docks are large warehouses that store many of the goods that are transported through out Tempore. Many new money families have estates in this area.

The District of a Thousand Huts: Most of the residences of the old city live in this district. Especially if their families have been around since the time Prince Tempore chose this city to be his capital or before. There is a large cemetery along the southern wall and another small shrine to Lycretia.

Net & Gear: Ran by a woman named Carina, who is married to Dutas one of the more wealthy fishermen

The Yard District: This district is relatively new and was once both part of the Prosperous Fish District and the District of a Thousand Huts until about a decade ago. Once Queen Fillappa, hired some Jaipurian shipwrights to expand her navy, she picked the northwest corner of Temparat to dedicated to building ships. These docks are in constant use either housing ships of the royal navy or a ship currently being built. The work is slow, but has brought a lot of people to the city looking for steady work.

The New City: Due to the prosperity of Temparat over the past seventy years during the reign of the last three Princes, the main city walls became too crowded and settlements began being built outside the walls. Every 20 years or so they try to build new walls to encase the new settlements, but this area is growing faster than the funds to build the walls can be acquired. Here are four major settlements: Salire, Lanbro, Ameil, and Faro that have all more or less melded into one. It is possible to live your life and never go into the Old City, but many who work in the city, live outside, or they will go for Market Day or for special religious holidays.


Sorgusa (City Stats)

Population: 450 (Search -2)

Physical and Magical Environment

Terrain: Plains or Island/Beach
Appearance: Attractive (+1)
Hygiene: -1
Normal Mana (Rare Enchantment)

Culture and Economy

Language: Weldorrian
Literacy: Broken
TL: 3
Wealth: Average
Status: -1 to 4

Political Environment

Government: Feudal, Municipality
CR: 2 (Corruption -1)
Military Resources: 3,150 Florins
Defense Bonus: +6


Sorgusa is not the only village or town that litters the coast line north of Temparat, the capital city of Tempore, but it does seem to be one of the more prosperous. About 450 people call this village home, most of whom are fishermen or villagers that support the fishing industry. There are a few craftsmen who repair boats, build nets, and design barrels to salt fish that will get sent south to Temparat. There is one inn for travelers run by an old sailer named Bjarke, and a couple of bars for fishermen (male and female alike) to drink after a hard day. The beach at the base of town houses all the boats, but the city climbs up the cliff side with most residents living above the beach with the keep at the top. Out past the village are a few farms and roads leading north and south.

Notable Locations:

The Ivory Oyster: The one inn in town is well maintained and really is only for travelers either visiting Sorgusa on business or passing through on their way even further north. It is ran by an old sailor from the Stygnorian Archipelago who came to this town close to 20 years ago. He has settled in well, but no one really knows his past and he doesn’t talk about it. Travelers always receive a good night’s rest at the inn and there is the holy symbol of Gurri above the mantle. The food at the Ivory Oyster always features the latest catch with an occasional meat from the farms above.

Shrine to Farlun: There is a small shrine to Farlun about halfway down towards the beach with a small hut next door where the local priest Ardarte lives. He offers a weekly service, blesses each new boat, and offers some minor healing.

Nuno’s Barrels and Salt: This shop ran by a former fisherman named Nuno. He is a master cooper, having built barrels for decades now. He can also fix minor issues with boats and sells a few other carpentry items, particularly tool handles. He also manages some salt fields on the northern side of the beach. He helps organize the fish that gets salted and shipped south to Temparat.

The Salty Mermaid: One of two bars near the beach and docks that serve the hardworking fisherman. It is ran by a goblin woman by the name of Thelse. She brews her own beer and any excess not drunk by the townsfolk is shipped south to Temparat for a few extra florins. Thelse came to Sorgusa about 4 years ago and bought the bar from the previous owner who wanted to retire.

Net & Gear: Ran by a woman named Carina, who is married to Dutas one of the more wealthy fishermen in town. He owns 4 boats. Both of them are on the town council who advise Lord Mourava. Carina and her daughters are master weavers and their fishing nets rarely break. She also sells fishing gear, both for the town and for visitors.


Here are the City Stats for the main town of Blythe where the adventures have begun. It was a good exercise in understanding rules that I had never dealt with before. A fuller description of the town will be forthcoming in this post as I need to develop and expand the notes I already had. A number of the townsfolk will be dealt with in detail in further posts.


Population: 720 (Search -2)

Physical and Magical Environment

Terrain: Mountain
Appearance: Normal (+0)
Hygiene: +0
Normal Mana (Rare Enchantment)

Culture and Economy

Language: Weldorrian
Literacy: Broken
TL: 3
Wealth: Struggling
Status: -2 to 4

Political Environment

Government: Feudal, Municipality
CR: 3 (Corruption -1)
Military Resources: 10,080 Florins
Defense Bonus: +5


Though the Barony seat, Blythe is smaller than it’s neighboring towns and villages. It is broken up into three zones. The wealthy live above the town in the hills at the edge of the Lonital Mountains. The townsfolk and those of modest means live in the town proper, protected by a wooden palisade. While the farmers, fishermen, loggers, and trappers live outside the town in small farm and fishing communities. Blythe exports food, furs, and timber, both south along the Thalion River and east to Huyth. Both the town armorer and wizard are employed solely by the Baron, Lord Enyertur.