
Nythuly is believed to be the daughter of Allatu who rebelled against her father and was banished to the moon. In this aspect she is a beacon of light and beauty while traveling at night. Sailors pray to her as they navigate the stars that shine across the night sky. Others believe she is destiny and from her all was foreseen. In this aspect, she is the patron of all fortune tellers, real or fake. One’s destiny is often tied to the grace of Nythuly. Still others believe her to be the offspring of Alemanuk who hides her true form behind a mask of beauty. In this form she is worshiped by thieves and those who wish to not be found, hiding behind masks themselves, never showing their true form. She is mysterious and prefers to stay that way.

Church of a Thousand Masks (Nythuly)

The Church of the a Thousand Masks exists in every major city, whether the residents or even the nobility that rule them know of their existence or not. Anywhere there are enough thieves, outcasts, and anyone who wishes to hide, priests of Nythuly are there to guide them. The shrines to the Goddess of a Thousand Masks are often underground, hidden, or may be even a particular location that the full moon shines on favorably that month. The priests may have lives that exist in the open, but they can meld into society and become anything they need to be as they guide their followers.

Spells – Power Investiture 1

1) Alter Visage

2) Alter Voice

3) Blur

4) Create Dark Fire

5) Darkness

6) Hide

7) Illusion Disguise

8) Illusion Shell

9) Know Illusion

10) Simple Illusion*

Spells – Power Investiture 2

1) Alter Body

2) Complex Illusion*

3) Dispel Illusion

4) Independence

5) Invisibility

6) Night Vision

7) Shadow Dagger 

Spells – Power Investiture 3

1) Blackout

2) Body of Shadow

3) Dark Vision

4) Perfect Illusion*

5) Transform Body

Session 10 – The Prequel Continues (Part 5)

Back Home Again

Helder woke up and untied himself in the early morning hours. He could have snuck out with no issues, but he was greedy. In his greed, he opened up the plank where he had stored a bag with stolen treasures. But in the process of opening up the plank, Grace woke up with axe in hand and Eldaria sat up looking around. They quickly saw that Helder looked at a bag and the door and started backing up. Eldaria tried casting a spell, but in their sleep deprived state just could not quite pull off more than just some weeds and flowers sprouting from underneath the door. Grace had a major decision to make, burn down the house or just threaten to burn down the house. Given Sylas was snoring and hearing nothing, Grace decided to intimidate Helder and he having seen what she could do so far, decided that death wasn’t worth escaping. It had become clearly a bad day for him.

Grace and Eldaria then got into a short spat about who would have to stay up to watch the bandits and Helder in particular, but Eldaria ended up convincing stubborn Grace that she needed more sleep. Which was true, Grace was close to just passing out from all the magic she had cast this night. So for a couple of hours Eldaria just stared at Helder to make sure he did nothing stupid. Meanwhile, she examined what was in the bag. Though it wasn’t until the sun came up that they were able to really see what was inside. This bag held the goods of probably two different burglaries or encounters. There was a gown or dress that was dyed to resemble the starry night, there were a couple of coin purses with gems and coins, and there was a beautifully crafted ring of billion with a monkey insignia. This ring could have only been crafted in the southern part of Elandorr. Also hidden in this alcove was a medium shield of no great craftsmanship, but there was also an ornately crafted glaive. Grace knew that this glaive along with the gown likely came from a priestess or follower of Nythuly. Though the Goddess of the Moon, she is also revered by sailors as a goddess of celestial divination and many thieves have her a patron of masks and mystery. Grace though only knows of her celestial nature and has prayed for her guidance many times in her youth.

Rules Break Out:

The gown ($40) and the glaive made from meteorite ($2,000) were from a priest of the Order of the Night Shadows. A sect of Nythuly worship that wander the lands. The gems are a 2.5 carat Elven Jade ($325) and a 2 carat Amethyst ($390). $270 in florins, and the ring is of a copper and silver alloy ($57).

Elzy, back in the woods with the injured boar, woke up to the sun shining upon him. With the boar, they slowly travelled back to the house of banditry. By this time, Sylas eventually woke up himself, having missed all the fun. He was very disappointed in Helder for his shenanigans, but it was clear that Helder was going to accept his fate. The glaive, though, lit up his eyes. Though he had never practiced much with pole-arms, he had seen them used to great success many times. He was sure someone at the keep could teach him, though likely not Malvim.

They crafted two litters to drag the prisoners back to Sorgusa, while Sylas also just carried one over his shoulder. The adventuring has done Sylas good, and it built up his strength. It took them all to return, finally arriving in the early evening. As they arrived in Sorgusa, they were met by three guards, one of whom was Malvim, who tried talking back to Sylas, but then thought better of it. He still had not gotten over being usurped as the leader of the Tempore Guards a year ago, after this young kid had only been in the Lord Mourava’s service for less than 6 months. Malvim, a man in his early 40s, has served the lord for over a decade in this hole in the wall town, and though he knew some lines couldn’t be crossed, never liked Sylas and couldn’t wait to seem him leave. But Melvin and the two other guards took the bandits into custody, while Sylas met with Stywert.

Elzy took the opportunity to return to his copse of trees that he calls home, now with two boars. Now that he has spent time with them, he talked to him using his magics. He told them that as long as they want, he will feed them and take care of them. Grace went to the Ivory Oyster because being out in the wilderness was draining. She needed to be the life of the party, so she started one. After buying a round for everyone, stories were told a little later into the night than might have been normal for the village folk. Bjarke had a conversation with her about magic and her experiences using it. He suggested that she learn Create Water to help if the compulsion became too strong. Though he didn’t push it too hard, knowing that if his plans turned out, she would learn it at the Arcane Order.

Eldaria snuck back into their house without anyone hearing them. They saw their brother Remi at the table eating some left over soup and bread before he retired to his room. In their small house, both her mother and brother have the two rooms, while Eldaria slept in the loft. Eldaria said hello to their brother, and really wanted to know how mad their Mom was going to be in the morning. This was not the first, or the last time, Eldaria has snuck out for a few days not telling anyone, but it had never gotten any easier for their mother. After some conversation Remy retired, but he had to get up early. He and a few of the other fisherman were going to try out the waters to see what they could catch and how much of winter had truly passed. Before Eldaria went to sleep, they left out the starry night robe on a chair for their mother.

Sylas and Stywert had a small discussion about the events, and once Stywert read the letter he became very concerned. Though late, Sylas knew the Lord would be informed shortly. But before Stywert left, he went over to a desk, unlocked a drawer, and pulled out four bags of coins. He told Sylas to give them to each of his friends and to take the extra cash as spending money for himself. Upstairs, in his room, Sylas felt otherwise, and divided the coins into three sacks for his friends.

In the morning while Grace woke up with a thundering headache surrounded by screaming kids, Sylas was summoned by Lord Mourava to discuss the matters in more detail. It was clear that he had already had the three prisoners interrogated. It would appear the keep needed a bigger dungeon, as it was now full until the mutineers would be released pending service to the village.

“I feel my young lord that what you have uncovered is a nefarious plot to sow discord and dissent. I am assuming the plan was to start small, ruin the prosperity of Sorgusa, and move on to bigger plots. It is very concerning that any lord or lady of Tempore would consider such an act, and having war with Parduck and Tempore does no good, until we are ready. If Katen falls, then it might become a reality, but it should not be something we desire. Of the bandits, I think the one called Raimun will be able to earn his keep as a carpenter, but this Helder fellow. I have never seen anyone try to make deals as much as he has. Though he will eventually get released, he may end up on a ship to somewhere else. You did good and it was fortuitous that you were able to find out what you did. I shall be going to Temparat and you will need to handle the affairs of the village while I am gone. Do not alarm anyone, but have the guards spend more time in the village than normal. ”

Session 9 – The Prequel Continues (Part 4)

The battle of the bandits continues ….

To distract the man with an axe from killing his friend, Harvee screeched loudly and just kept attacking Helder in the face. It kept him distracted and would leave a lot of scars. Eldaria kept going toe to toe against Raimun, and tried a fancy attack to his legs. It missed horribly, as Raimun was dodging both Eldaria and boar alike. After a few swings, Raimun’s luck finally wore out and Eldaria got in a nasty cut across his chest. Grainne was able to position herself behind Raimun and started burning his back with her Flame Jet. That boar not being told different, just kept biting and goring Raimun.

After a few seconds, Eldaria tried a new tactic – talking …. But for someone who spends most of their time out in the woods, and can speak to plants better than humans, it surprisingly did not go very well. Raimun was just too much in the middle of a battle frenzy, and just spit a tooth at them. Then things turned even worse for Eldaria as they slipped in some of Raimun’s blood and their sword flew from their hand. But before too long Raimun fell unconscious from all of his wounds.

After a few moments of bewilderment, Elzy was finally no longer stunned. He elected to stay prone as he saw that Sylas engaged Helder head on. So he just began to swing wildly at Helder’s legs.

Rules Break Out:

With the knockdown of Elzy, got to introduce stunning rules, which can be deadly, but by then the bandits were outnumbered and the odds were against them.

Repeat of the Bandit stats: Helder: ST 13; DX 12; IQ 10; HT 12; BM 5; Dodge 8; Parry 10; Great Axe-14 (2d+2 sw cut); DR 1/DR 2 Torso. Raimun and Alicidas: ST 12; DX 12; IQ 9; HT 11; BM 5; Dodge 8; Parry 9; Cutlass-12 (1d+2 sw cut or 1d-1 thr imp); DR 1.

Though all of this Sylas was remembering his time as a Knight Errant fighting Parduk along the southern border of Katen. He could remember a number of battles that almost did not go his way, but in this skirmish, he was never going to even get a scratch. There was a bit of disappointment in his voice years later when he told this story. But as memories faded, and the present returned, Sylas finally got in a solid blow on Helder. The others may have never faced such a strong foe, but Sylas knew the give and take of battle. Elzy, still prone on the ground, got in a solid strike to Helder’s vitals. Helder knew this battle was going against him quickly, so decided to end it quickly by attacking Sylas’ weapon arm, but there was too much blood on the cabin floor, that he slipped and his axe fell upon the ground, not far from Eldaria’s short sword.

Sylas then held his sword pointed at Helder and told him to surrender. Helder looked around and knew that what he was getting paid wasn’t worth losing his life over. He saw both Alicidas and Raimun unconscious or dead laying upon the floor, and his trusty axe was no longer in his hand. There was a pain of regret that he did not kill one of those pesky kids, but knew his options were limited. He offered goods that he had, but never said where they were, and tells them of a letter, if they will let him go. Elzy miraculously kept his temper under control, because if he hadn’t, things might have gone differently. Sylas was more interested in turning him in, than negotiating with him. He told Helder that the only option is a lesser sentence and believes that Helder understands this. The village of Araxi was not officially under Lord Mourava’s domain, but Sylas was loyal to his new lord, and knew Lord Mourava could sort out any issues.

Grainne decided that he did not want another death on his hands, and stabilized Raimun. Had they let him be, he would have eventually died. They knocked Helder out, tying him and the other two bandits up. They took a quick look around the cabin, now that the fighting was over. It was very much a one room building with a fireplace along one wall, with pots and pans hanging on one side, while some shelves with wooden plates and bowls were on the other side. There were three cots, and one remaining good desk, where there was a letter and other writing implements upon it. In one corner, there was a small work bench with some carpentry tools, including a very nice looking saw that clearly looks designed to cut down trees.

Rules Break Out:

The carpentry tools count as a Portable Took Kit (Carpentry) worth about $250 and weighing about 21 lbs. (from LowTech). The saw is very much a lumberjack’s saw and is worth about $150. There are also a few cheap quill pens ($1; 4 pens), about a pint of ink ($2.5; 1 lb.), and some parchment ($6; 10 sheets).

The letter read:


The first attack seems to have not gone well. We are a little disappointed, but that was a very rich farm to attack. Try another farm. Remember our lord wants to sow discord. Tempore can only fall if cracks can be found. Keep up the attacks, create those cracks, and you will be rewarded.


While others were talking and looking around, Elzy calmed the boar in the cabin down. Eventually getting him to trust him, though it will take time to train him further. For the sake of everyone, Elzy’s newest boar friend went out to boar pen outside to sleep. Elzy then decided that he needed to go find the injured boar that he saved from dying. She was still there where he left her, and still alive. He slumped next to a tree and started snoring. Meanwhile, the others let the bandits stay unconscious on the floor, and took their cots to sleep in. It had been a long day.

Session 8 – The Prequel Continues (Part 3)

The Plan

There were many paths the Heroes could have taken, but what follows was the crazy plan only a bunch of young adventurers would even dare to try.

Eldaria scouted around the farmstead discovering that it was a single house with one door, windows on three sides of the house, a chimney along one wall, and a thatched roof. Inside the fenced area, there was also a small structure that clearly housed the boars, though the only one remaining was currently inside the house. The fields around the house have clearly not been used for a couple of years, though the house seems to have been kept up.

Then they had hushed conversations about what they should do next. Elzy was for just barging in, why would you wait to hunt down these obvious troublemakers. Sylas preached being cautious. Talk with them, used the power of his Status, or at worst, just arrest them. At least, get some sleep and approach this in the morning. Eldaria, though curious, was able to reign themselves in, and let a group decision be made. Grainne, who desperately needed rest, but had never paused long enough to recover from the fight with the boars some 4 to 5 hours earlier, was feeling quite overconfident, and felt now was the time to strike. Sylas let out a large sigh, and he began to maneuver himself towards the door, because if they were going to deal with the situation now, at least do it right and announce himself.

Noticing that the boar pen was big enough for at least one human, hunched down, Elzy decided that his plan was to sneak in and sound like a dying pig to lure them out. Grainne thought to hide behind the boar pen as this plan unfolded. Eldaria then snuck up on top of the thatched hut, bow in hand to shoot anyone that was flushed out.

Elzy’s sneaking succeeded well, his attempt at sounding like a dying pig was so unbelievable that at least one of the bandits knew something was up, especially as he saw Sylas walking up to the door. The bandits had actually gone to bed, thinking the coast was clear, but Alicidas woke up quickly and saw a shadow outside the window. He began moving furniture in front of the door as Helder and Raimun began stirring. Sylas realized that what could have been a decent plan was going south very quickly, so he rushed towards the door trying to break past. It took a few seconds, but he eventually overpowered Alicidas and the desk he was trying to bar the door with.

Elzy then decided to try something else and as he knew that there was a boar inside the cabin, grunted, and commanded it to attack. Well it did, and began trying to gore Raimun. It didn’t cause much damage, but caused complete pandemonium inside the cabin. Grainne then prepared a weak version of Flame Jet and snuck around to one of the windows, eventually breaking in. Eldaria realized that no one was going to come out, and their curiosity wasn’t going to let them miss all the fun. These bandits were up to no good, so there must be something worth investigating, So they hung their bow on their back, and cleared away the thatched roof and fell down into the thick of the chaos. Elzy after smiling that his brilliant spontaneous plan worked as well as it did, drew his rapier and advanced towards the now open door. Alicidas took the brunt of his vicious attacks. Eventually retreating into the house, it did him no good as by then Grainne had gotten in and used her Flame Jet to burn him. Alicidas took one look at his scarred belly and passed out.

Rules Break Out:

Getting spells to a skill of 15 is important in GURPS. It allowed the character of Grainne (Grace) to cast a 1 point Flame Jet ahead of time and just keep it powered up.

Eldaria, after crashing down, landed right next to Raimun and began swinging their shortsword. It was turning into a bad day for Raimun with a boar out of control, and now people falling from the roof. Helder, meanwhile, was not having any of this. He grabbed his battle ax that was next to his cot, and had originally planned to just take out this pesky boar. He then had to quickly reassess the situation, and began attacking his true foes. Slyas, though, drew out his broadsword and began moving forward. This bandit could take down his friends with one swing, proving this by knocking Elzy to the ground.

Rules Break Out:

The bandits were variants of the Mutineers faced earlier in the scenario. But in this fight, I wanted to show the destructive power of axes, but also remind them that they have to be Readied. So it will take tactics to take Helder down. Helder: ST 13; DX 12; IQ 10; HT 12; BM 5; Dodge 8; Parry 10; Great Axe-14 (2d+2 sw cut); DR 1/DR 2 Torso. Raimun and Alicidas: ST 12; DX 12; IQ 9; HT 11; BM 5; Dodge 8; Parry 9; Cutlass-12 (1d+2 sw cut or 1d-1 thr imp); DR 1.

Session 7 – The Prequel Continues (Part 2)

Boars in the Night

As Sylas turned his head to ignore the stories being told, curled up in a blanket likely too nice to be used in the woods, Eldaria abruptly stopped talking and motioned for Sylas to get up quickly. Grabbing his shield and readying his broadsword, Sylas stands in front of the flicking fire as four striped Elandorr boars come rushing at the Heroes. Grace stood behind the fire, with a glint in her eye, fighting for control of her emotions. Eldaria hung back with an arrow notched in their bow, while Elzy drew his rapier, while Harvee flew into the sky.

Rules Break Out:

The boars of Northwestern Elandorr are relatively small, unlike the wild boars of the south which are about twice the size and twice as mean. These small porcine are a nuisance to farmers, but rarely cause much trouble. Some people have known to train them.

Stripped Elandorr Boars: ST 8,; DX 12; IQ 5; HT 12; BM 6; Dodge 10,; SM -1; DR 1; Brawling-13 (Bite 1d3-3 cr, Tusk 1d-2 cut)

They had suspected that these boars were trained, as they attacked, it was obvious. Two of them ran into straight into the party trying to knock Sylas into the campfire. One was blocked by his shield as he dug his heels into the ground. The other hit him straight on, but Sylas was able to keep his footing and not get knocked down. Another veered to the right trying to get around to Eldaria, and the other veered to the left to try and surround the Heroes. 

Eldaria unleashed an arrow stinging one of the boars. Sylas stood firm against their porcine enemies, slashing at one, killing it after a couple of blows. He then turned to keep the one that ran towards Eldaria engaged. Meanwhile, Elzy pierced the heart of one of them while Harvee harassed the boars. Only in recent weeks have the two of them began to really bond well enough for this level of coordination. It was terrifying to watch. Meanwhile Grace created fire underneath one of the boars to cause it to flee. It was willful and refused to flee, at least until it was horribly injured. Grace then shaped the fire into the shape of a boar and kept pressure on this boar, eventually chasing after it for a ways when the boar began to flee, leaving a trail of blood. The last remaining boar facing off against Sylas, the one that almost knocked him down, just could not be hit. In the distance, unheard by the Heroes, there was a whistle.

The Heroes were slightly fatigued and scuffed up from the attack, but realized that they could not wait to rest. They quickly grabbed their gear and tracked the bloodied boar past the woods where they were camping and into the fields and pastures on the outskirts of the village of Araxi. They eventually ran across the bleeding boar who had passed out from blood loss. Elzy took the time to give the boar some care, saving its life, and perhaps creating a friend. Once they were out of the trees, following the tracks of the other boar were not hard, at least not for a skilled tracker like Eldaria. Eldaria saw the boar trot up to a small house in the countryside, and someone with a shortsword tucked into a belt and perhaps the glint of metal that she noticed earlier in the night, open the door. The bandit looked left and right, but did not see Eldaria in the darkness, and let the boar inside.

It was now around midnight, a couple of miles from the village proper with the Heroes under the cover of night discussing their next options.

Rules Break Out:

Things I messed up. I forgot to have the players use the size modifier on the boars, was going to use that as a fun teaching moment. Another time. Also, because I didn’t want to look up rules, Create Fire, should have damaged the boars and not just try to scare them off.

Session 6 – The Prequel Continues (Part 1)

Boar-ing down upon the problem …..

Our heroes began by leaving the town of Sorgusa, or at least most of them. They had to meet Elzy outside of town in one of his favorite copses of trees. Sylas, being quite polite, knocked on his tent, as he said his greetings from behind a tree. All four of them began discussing what they thought could be the situation with the boars attacking the farms. Grace began spouting all kinds of theories, but Sylas wanted to stay to the fact and stop speculating. They all agreed that they clearly needed to go talk to at least one farm. They decided on the one that was attacked last. The Cabral Farm.

The Cabral Farm was north east of Sorgusa on the outskirts. When they approached it, they could figure out very quickly that this was a very poor family. Slyas approached first and could see a little girl playing out front. As he was noticed, the father came out, shooing the girl back inside. But curiosity got the better of the little girl, and stared at Slyas with awe and admiration. She had clearly never seen a knight before. The Father explained that they had just moved to the area last fall. They had discovered that in a ravine north of their farm, grew Strapelot, a wild leafy green, that they were going to sell in Sorgusa to get enough money to purchase the seeds they needed to start planting. After loading up their hand drawn cart with the Strapelot leaves, four boars came rushing out of nowhere, attacking the cart and his wife, who was badly injured in the attack. Elzy asked them if they heard a whistle to which he demonstrated, by whistling for Harvee who flew down and landed on his shoulder. It was obvious that they had no idea how to recover from this.

While Sylas got stuck talking to their 4 year old girl, the others were able to wander around the farm to investigate. Sylas was eventually able to get away after promising to return. After investigating the cart, it was clear the boars attacked the cart and trashed the produce, but Eldaria could not find any reason the Strapelot itself was the cause. Grace found a copse of trees where the boars clearly attacked from. Elzy was then able to find boar tracks and they would follow them back well past the farm, but eventually losing them around the Silvason Farm. But not before it suggested the boars and whomever was controlling them came from the direction of Araxi, a small village about halfway between Sorgusa and Serro. Before they reached the Silvason farm though, Eldaria took a detour to the ravine. There they found where the Strapelot was growing and cast plant growth on the weeds to make them grow back. The reason this plant grows so well this early, is that the ravine allowed them to grow at a much warmer temperature than at the surface. It was also a hearty plant, and though many considered a weed, it was quite tasty as a complement to lettuce in a salad and sautéed with onions as a bed for roasted mutton. When farmers came back to the ravine, hoping against all hope they could find more Strapelot to sell, they will easily find enough to recoup their entire lost crop due to the magic of Eldaria.

Rules Break Out:

The spell of Seek Plant was used to find the Strapelot and Plant Growth was used to regrow quickly the plants.

The Heroes could not decide their next course as they debated amongst themselves. Though the boar tracks seem to have led towards the Village of Araxi, they had not much else to go on. They did realize though that their path around the farms led them straight past the first farm to have been attacked. The Silvanson farm. In sharp contrast to the last farm, this farm was clearly well off. There were scores of sheep penned in. The barns were in good shape, and the house was quite large with a stone fence around it. Like the last farm, Sylas went to the front door and knocked. Sylas unfortunately didn’t realize soon enough that they were very important farmers, and clearly knew who he was. Eldaria tried to whisper into Sylas’ ear, but it was already too late and Sylas just barreled on. The Silvanson Farm is one of only a few farms that are owned. They are very well respected and make most of their money from the wool harvest in the fall. The Heroes find out that the attack damaged their sheep pens, and only one boar got through. Silvanson laughed that four might have gotten away, but one was a fine dinner that night. Looking around the house, clearly showed that there were swords and spears about. This family were clearly quite able to fight off a boar attack, and probably something even worse. Elzy looked at both the fence that was patched up and at the hide of the slain boar. He noticed they were common boars from the region, smaller than perhaps elsewhere, but still quite capable of causing damage. If the other boars are from the same litter, he would notice them easily. He then found some trees in a small valley between two hills where they quickly realize is where the attack started from. He tried to use his magical powers to summon a bird to talk to, because these farmers also heard a whistle. As it turns out, the spell did not go as planned. Instead of summoning any birds, he just instead began to smell like bird guano. It eventually faded, but it was a bit embarrassing.

Rules Break Out:

The player for Elzy rolled a critical failure and got “spell produces nothing but a loud noise, bright flash or light, awful odor, etc.” given what he was trying to summon, bird guano was the most funny option.

While the Heroes waited for Elzy to stop smelling, they realized that the other two farms that had been attacked are also on the outskirts. Also if they had hiked straight to Araxi, they would not reached the village until after nightfall. Some of them had been to the village before, the inn was very rowdy and a good night’s sleep would be unlikely. So they quickly stopped by the second farm that was attacked. The Estavan Farm was on the outskirts of Sorgusa because they decided to turn a lot of the land into an orchard where they grew Apelon fruit. Because the budding trees hung low to the ground, the boars were able to do a lot of damage. Apelon fruit are great sliced and put into pies. They are sweet, but stay firm when baked. Though the Estavan farm was not permanently damaged, their crop would be poor in the upcoming summer.

The final farm they visited was the Ferope farm. Elzy was able to redeem himself and talk to a mule. Through this very opinionated mule, he was able to determine that the boars all had distinctive markings. The mule was very sour about the brand it had, but after complaining was able to tell Elzy that the boars smelled like humans, and all attacked the cart at once. From this final farm it was clear they were heading in the right direction, as the only location where the boars could have come from was from around Araxi. The Heroes also finally discovered the thread that the boars attacked the farms they could easy sneak up to and were attacked to cause as much damage as possible. The problem they did not know was ….. why.

In the end, they find a nice place to camp. Grace had traveled continents, Sylas had camped with mercenaries with nothing but a small fire, Eldaria felt more at home outside than in any town, and of course, Elzy spent all evenings sleeping in the woods. So, although this was the first time the four of them camped together, they were all used to it. Someone brought up telling ghost stories and Grace was able to tell a few chilling ones, but it was one that Eldaria told about the ghost of a fallen sea captain that spooked Sylas the most. Once upon a time, barely a decade after the fall of the Western Kingdom, there was a sea pirate who’s mother was Stygnor, and her father from what eventually would become Katen. She grew up in surrounded by chaos, and only found the sea to be her home. After five years of raiding, a flotilla commanded by none other than Prince Tempore, took down the pirate Elena. They say even today that on a foggy night, one could see Captain Elena’s ghost ship sailing the coast. Now that Sylas couldn’t sleep even if he tried, they heard rustling from the woods, and Eldaria’s sharp ears knew the direction.

Rules Break Out:

The player for Eldaria rolled really well which kept the party from being surprised by what they could only assume were …. Boars.

Session 5 – The Prequel Begins (Part 5)

Aftermath of the mutiny and where a new quest is given

The story began where it ended. Marbin Flyntella handing over a bag full of coins to Elzy. Elzy pocketed the pouch and kind of forgot about it. Marbin surveyed the situation and was relieved that it wasn’t worse. It will help that the pay he was going to have to give to the mutineers could instead go to repairing the Sorgusan dock. Though everyone was tired from fighting the battle, Grace in particular was exhausted. Eldaria helped remind her about the cure to stressful situations – the flask in her pocket. Even Sylas took a sip out of courtesy. The body of the First Mate was still smoldering and some care was taken to put out the burning body, but it wasn’t until Aline Flyntella came from below deck and summoned a cloud above the ship that dosed the deck with water, did it finally stop being a threat. She gave her brother a look that spoke volumes, and went back down below. Sylas meanwhile got some guards to take the body off the ship to be buried, along with the two unconscious and hurt mutineers, and capture the last mutineer that was swimming to nowhere. 

Meanwhile, Bjarke hobbled up to the ship with his cutlass at his side, glad that everyone was okay. Looking at Grace, he concentrated for a few seconds, whereupon her exhaustion began to subside significantly. Looking at all of them, he told them that he felt like he had neglected their studies by not teaching a spell that they could really use, if they continued to get into trouble like this. Later on that evening he would teach them how to combat a friend’s exhausting from casting too many spells by giving them some of their own energy.

Rules Break Out:

Used the after a battle fatigue loss to demonstrate the effects of Fatigue loss as it caused the character of Grace to drop below 1/3 of her Fatigue. I also had intentionally not given any character the spells of Lend Energy or Recover Energy, because I wanted the GMC of Bjarke to teach it to them, as a way to help make this character central to the Prequel story.

The battle on the ship had brought these Heroes together like nothing had done before. Though they all had known each other, and were under the tutelage of Bjarke to some degree, they had never had anything where they truly relied on each other to survive. This bonding experience required an afternoon, which then turned into an evening, at the Ivory Oyster. 

That night turned out to benefit from a traveling bard by the name of Enara that had come into town that afternoon. She could be seen talking to Bjarke in the afternoon in hushed tones before the inn became busy, but they do not know what was being talked about. For awhile, she played some light music and told some stories, but as the night progressed she began to sing. On one occasion she sang a song that clearly was about her sense of wanderlust – “Like a shooting star, I will go the distance, I will search the world, I will face its harms” and when she sang, it’s obvious that she felt the wanderlust deep within her soul. 

Grace meanwhile talked some about her skill with fire magic, something that the others knew, but had not seen demonstrated like they had that morning. To prove her point, with Bjarke looking like he was preparing a spell, Grace caused the fire in the inn to twist into a serpentine shape. And after some time it went back to being a normal fire. Enara did notice it causing Grace to become more intrigued by her. She was wearing a pendent with the conjoined symbols of the Arcane Order and Farlun. Eldaria spent some time talking to Enara during one of the breaks. Discovered that Bard was traveling north, and requested if she was going to Baguiar or Lynhare, if she could deliver a note to Guuj’bo’tin, the goblin mentor of Eldaria’s youth and the one who hand crafted the bow that they had just peppered the mutineers with that morning. And as the evening faded into the night, the Heroes all went their separate ways. Eldaria and Grace to their homes, Elzy to the wilderness, and Sylas to the Keep.

Over the next couple of days, Elzy spent time in the woods continue to train Harvee, his falcon. Grace spent most of the time at the Shrine of Farlun where during the week, a school is ran. It was a way for some religious learning, but also for those who had to spend their mornings in the ocean, a place for their kids to be. And it was where Grace worked. Often taking care of her siblings.

Eldaria, realized the next day, that although her short bow had sentimental value, there was a sad realization that for battle, they needed something better. So with Sylas, Eldaria went to visit Kelvara at the Keep. They picked up and tried many bows, but one long bow in particular, felt right. Though the bow was not special, it was built for battle and would hold up well. Perhaps if Eldaria saw Guuj’bo’tin again, he could make it special. Though there were people who had basic carpentry skills to make items the village needed, there was no expert bow maker in Sorgusa.

Meanwhile, Sylas was summoned by Stywert, the chamberlain of the keep to discuss the events on the ship. He told Sylas that Lord Mourava was pleased with his actions. The leader of the mutiny was put to rest, but it was clear he would have been hung if he had lived. The others after being questioned clearly were caught up in the events and were given some leniency. They will have to work off the debt in servitude until harvest time and then will be allowed to travel to wherever or even stay in Sorgusa.

After a couple of more days, and a week after the events in the shrine, Sylas was once again summoned, but this time by Lord Mourava. It had been months since there was any interaction between the two of them. The Lord was not mean, but was and always has been distant. Sylas still didn’t know why he was given into the Lord’s care, but it was assumed Stywert did.

He was his study, surrounded by papers and correspondence, when he looked up at Sylas and said, “I am not sure if you have heard, but there have been some boar attacks upon our farms. One is not abnormal, as they are common in the area, but there have now been four. Four suggests a pattern. I can not send out the guards on this one, so I need you and your friends, if they care to join you, to figure out what is going on and report back to me.” After answering a few questions, the Lord goes back to his correspondence, clearly indicating the conversation was over. Sylas excused himself. The next morning, he gathered his friends.

When Sylas came knocking on Grace’s door, Nuala, aged 7, answered the door. She shouted to her father that they had come to arrest him, upon which Sylas had to answer she was just there to see Grace. The rest of Grace’s family was also home, her mother, Abide, her father, Ronan, and the rest of her siblings, Orla, Fionn, Seafra, Seiorse, and Siobhan.

Eldaria was not hard to convince, and they would meet Elzy outside of town, who finally remembered that he had a sack of florins worth slightly less now that he paid for drinks in the inn the night of the mutiny.

Rules Break Out:

Intentionally wanted enough time from the ship combat for everyone to heal hit points and fatigue. Really leaned into the Knight and his Status. It is generally a benevolent feudal system, but Status is Power, whether you were born with it or earned or a combination of the two. Everyone received 5 XP for finale of the interlude, plus 1 point for the spell Lend Energy.

Session 4 – The Prequel Begins (Part 4)

Battle on the Bay of Sorgusa

As Sylas lead the guards to the dock, as is tradition for when ships come into the dock, others noticed some odds things about the ship. Eldaria and Elzy noticed that the ship is not coming in correctly. The merchant cog was coming in far too fast. Elzy in particular observed some commotion on the ship, but it was too far away to discover the details until the ship came closer. Eldaria signaled to a friend of her brother Remy, named Lyvia. Lyvia was in her early 40s and was an experienced seawoman. She frequently helped guide ships into the small Bay of Sorgusa and the one dock that resides into town. There were never more than two ships in Sorgusa, and usually there was only ever one. Lyvia was able to start signaling to anyone on board the ship that could pay attention enough to regain control. Elzy not known for his tact, began shouting at people to get off the dock. When the Tempore Guards got close enough, Sylas began ordering them to help with crowd control. Meanwhile, Grace expected the fun that often came with ships visiting at the two bars along the beach, meandered down, thinking that from Elzy’s shouting that he knew someone on board. She noticed that the merchant cog was flying two flags, one of the Kingdom of Tempore, and the other the family crest of the Flyntella family. The Flyntella family were a minor, newer merchant family, but that was all that Grace really knew. The Flyntella ship did get under control, but just barely, as it crashed into the dock, right in front of Grace. No one was hurt, thanks to the quick actions of the Heroes.

Rules Break Out:

This was a good opportunity for players with skills such as Merchant or Seamanship or even Boating to roll those skills besides just Perception. The goal was for the players to figure out way to affect the outcome of the ship coming in out of control.

Once the ship had crashed into the dock, Elzy and Grace both noticed, in different ways, a situation unfolding. A merchant, which was clear, from his fancy, not sea worthy clothing, was being surrounded by four members of the crew, while the rest of the individuals either went about the their business of trying to get the pulley system working to load barrels of salted fish, or just standing out of the way, clearly not wanting to get involved with the situation at hand. The First Mate who was hired to crew the ship, dressed in leather armor, hair in braids, and a cutlass at his side, decided that he could take advantage of this young merchant who clearly had never commanded a ship before. He found those he could trust and confronted the merchant, which is why the ship was coming into dock uncontrolled. Grace shouted up at the ship, while the First Mate yelled back for her to stay out of things and just load the salted fish on board. Elzy sensing the situation was dire walked up the plank and started poking the merchant, accusing him of owning him money – “Where’s my money Jack?” Grace, meanwhile, was not far behind. She was too fiery of a personality to take an insult standing down. Everyone was lucky that she was able to control her urge to burn the ship completely down.

Meanwhile, Sylas knew something was going down and as one of the highest authorities in this small town, began walking up the plank as well. Eldaria, being more cautious, drew her bow and walked slowly up behind Sylas. Sylas, though not always known for his tact, knew the right words to say at the right time. He was able to get enough attention on himself to allow the merchant to be herded out of the situation by Elzy, and for all the Heroes to get their weapons and shields ready.

Though a peaceful negotiation was preferred, the First Mate was too belligerent for any other real outcome than an old fashion brawl. At the beginning, Elzy and Grace were in the thick of all four mutineers and quickly had to start separating them. Slyas came charging forth with his broadsword in hand. Though Sylas was able to fend off most blows, he quickly remembered why he hated the ocean. Everything moved. The ground was not supposed to move. It took a long while to gain his footing and start cutting the ruffians down. One of whom, was a woman that decided that jumping off the side of the ship was preferable than continuing to fight him. Meanwhile, Eldaria began inching forward, firing arrows into the battle. Grace, used for the first time, in the presence of the Heroes, a spell they had never seen her do. She began projecting a bolt of flame from her hand and dueled with First Mate with flame against cutlass. For the first bit of the battle, the First Mate was dodging these blasts, but his luck finally ran out and his armor got burned through. Though Grace played with fire often, this was the first time it killed anyone. Elzy fought foes with his rapier and main-gauche, in a distinctly Elven fashion. He stabbed many a ruffian while his falcon, Harvee, started dive bombing from the sky. It was a fierce combination.

After the leader of the mutiny was killed, with the others being subdued or chased off the boat, things calmed down quickly. The rest of the crew that was staying out of the situation just went back to work like nothing occurred. The merchant though, was immensely grateful. He knew that they saved his life. He introduced himself as Marbin Flyntella. He could not be more than about 23 years of age. He thanked them immensely for their timely assistance. He pulled a pouch from inside his tunic and handed it over to Elzy. 

Rules Break Out:

In this battle I wanted to show a more complex battle (rules wise). Tactics started to matter, but the main rules I wanted to highlight were Aim and Range Penalties, and how they can offset each other. Also wanted creatures where HT rolls could change the flow of battle. One adversary went down unconscious as soon as they took a Major Wound. The First Mate took until he was below -2xHP before he fell unconscious and died.

First Mate: ST 13, DX 12, IQ 11, HT 10, BM 5, Dodge 8, Parry 9, Cutlass-13 (2d-1 sw cut or 1d thr imp), DR 1/DR 2 Torso). Mutineers: ST 12, DX 12, IQ 9, HT 10, BM 5, Dodge 8, Parry 9, Cutlass-12 (1d+2 sw cut or 1d-1 thr imp). DR 1.

Half-Elves of Lycretia

Half-Elf [27]

            The only known humanoid species that are able to mate and produce offspring are humans and elves. Scholars of Lycretia believe that this is from Elves not being from this land. Unfortunately the relationships between Humans and Elves are fleeting and their offspring often have no homes. Half-elves are frequently outcasts as they fit into neither elven nor human society. They are resented by humans for being an unnatural union, as well as, their genetic link to elves which often give them their unnatural and ghostly voice. Elves resent them as products of those elves that allow themselves frivolous passion with outsiders and who are unable to live long enough to truly become elven. They are also shunned by the elves because they must abide by the laws of world and are not inherently born with the ability to manipulate magic.

Most half-elves are abandoned by their parents, especially on the continents of Elandorr and Shrinshaw. If the half-elf was born under the shade of an elven forest, elves will not let them die, but let them grow up with little social interaction with elven society, giving them food to survive, and eventually kicking them out when they are mature enough to survive, around 20 years of age. If born among humans, they are often ostracized by the town they grow up in, often along with the parent that tries to raise them. Many are abandoned on the streets or given to an orphanage to be raised. As half-elves on Myronspieir are more common due to more elven-human interaction, the abandonment is less, but are still often considered unnatural.

Still, most half-elves have a strong sense of self, but one that is centered on survival. They do not make friends easily and rarely have anywhere they call home. For half-elves rarely live in one place for more than a few months. They are wanderers and as such pray to Gurri, the Guide of the Dead, demi-god of traveling. For they believe he is like them, born from two worlds, but fit into neither. As professions, half-elves are predominately wandering minstrels, mercenaries, or traveling merchants. A few become thieves and brigands. Half-elven mercenaries are highly sought after as they are known to dedicate themselves to their job, either succeeding or dying. As merchants, they travel with their wares and are very good at convincing others to buy their goods. Half-elves with their elven voices and excellent memories make incredibly captivating minstrels and bards. Over three thousand years ago on Lycretia, before the arrival of the elves, there was a strong bardic culture. They were the historians, the sages, the seers, and the priests.  But when elves began to meddle with humans after their arrival, their elite position in society crumbled to dust and became long forgotten. There have always been traveling musicians, but bards were more than that. A few hundred years ago, half-elves revived the tradition.  Of all the major ancestries, half-elves are by far the least numerous, with no more than five or six thousand among the three continents of Lycretia. Though they live on average well over 150 years, they are sterile which just adds to their feeling of isolation.

Half-elves [27]

Advantages: DX+1; Extended Lifespan 1 [2]; Voice [10].

Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Second-Class Citizen) [-5].

Half-Elf (Myronspieir) [27]

Advantages: IQ+1 [20]; Extended Lifespan 1 [2]; Voice [10].

Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Second-Class Citizen) [-5].

Session 3 – The Prequel Begins (Part 3)

Exploring the town of Sorgusa

The adventure began with a flashback to a new character, Elzy, a half-elf who had arrived in Sorgusa about a year or so before. The story of his arrival has morphed into a legendary story of him riding up to the dock on a dolphin who then swam away shortly afterwards to rejoin their pod in what could only be described as a farewell dance. Like all legends, there is some truth in this story. 

Elzy, like most half-elves, left the community where they grew up to find a family that wanted them. Even as a young boy, he preferred the company of animals, and would run away for weeks at a time living off the land, as feral as the animals he preferred to spend time with. He eventually found his home aboard a sailing vessel by the name of Naglefar, ran by woman from a Morganian Isles. She was both feared and revered. Anyone who crossed her did not live long enough to repeat the mistake, but her crew trusted her completely. They believed that her Talisman of Jyloc protected them as well. Her First Mate was an Heasirretyn Elf, who was old even for an Elf. He had lived long enough to see the Three Kingdoms crumble and become the world the Humans now know. When the crew took Elzy on, the First Mate took a liking to this young half-elf. Over the next five or six years, he taught Elzy how to fight with a rapier and main-gauche. These training sessions were one of the few moments in Elzy’s life that he felt peace and the demons could rest. After sailing on the Naglefar, the ship was finally outmatched  by a storm that ripped the ship apart. Elzy remembers seeing a man and woman, shaped from the clouds, both with tridents in the storm laughing. There are no other known survivors. A curious dolphin found Elzy nearly dead from dehydration and blood loss, who took a liking to this half-elf and allowed them to ride them. He was brought as close to the shore as the dolphin could, with the waves doing the rest of the work to bring Elzy to the beach. He woke with an old pirate captain cleaning his wounds and slowly getting water down his throat. Bjarke said that he recognized the tattoo on his arm, given to all crew of the Naglefar. Also sensing the magic within Elzy, the Innkeeper of the Ivory Oyster, took him in. For the past year, has been trying to teach him what he knows to control and the use his magical abilities. Elzy has a strong affinity for all animals and about four months ago, came across a hawk nest that had been abandoned. Inside was an egg about to hatch. Learning to train Harvee, has been a challenge, but Elzy is rarely without him.

The others were still in the room with the statue and the now defeated skeletons. They were tired and currently had no way to get out of the temple. Adarte, meanwhile, had gotten some other townsfolk to come. When the Heroes began wandering back to the entrance, a couple of them had rigged up some ropes and made their way down.

The first was Hor’gh, the owner of the General Store. Grace had learned of a bit of his backstory over the years. Hor’gh was an old dwarf that couldn’t fight any more in the Dwarven-Orc Wars. All of his children were dead and just couldn’t live in the Shyrorn Mountains anymore. He had moved to many places over the last decade, but arrived in Sorgusa a few years ago. After realizing that the General Store had been empty for a couple of seasons, he found something he could do. He was welcomed by the community, both because of his friendly nature and that many goods, like flour or sugar, were hard to come by, and now there was someone who could manage regular shipments. Being part of a community, has helped his internal pain, but the memories have not been forgotten completely.

The second was Olavar, who was one of the many fisherman of the town and whose family has been in Sorgusa for a few generations. Eldaria’s brother has often gone out fishing with Olavar, and knows him as a very good person. He is in his 30s, married with two young kids who love to run around the beach looking for treasures. Others that came when Adarte called were Bjarke, who’s days of spelunking are long over, but rigged the ropes to carry people down, Ester, one of the local women that help caretake the Shrine and perhaps made the sandwiches, and Elzy, who took one look down into the hole and backed away.

Rules Break Out:

Knowledge about the townsfolk was a good use of Area Knowledge skills, but in the case of Grace the use of Merchant as a knowledge skill. Elzy has Claustrophobia and failed his roll, badly.

Sylas refused to leave the lacquered table behind and carried it above his head down the hallway back to floor that caved in and started this adventure. Hor’ge did help get it pulled up to the top, since although Sylas is strong, he’s not 10’ tall. Adarte was very interested in what they found, as they sat around the new table, eating sandwiches and talking. Nothing the Heroes took was of any real spiritual significance and just wasn’t important enough for Adarte to care about. The books and scrolls, those were what he was interested in. There were legends and stories that Farlun had a daughter who swam and communicated with marine animals. In one story, he remembered the name Mylari. He muttered something about needing to find a carpenter, because he needs steps made to get down to look at that which remains in the library.

Once they get out, a couple of days passed without incident. Enough time passed that Eldaria’s and Grace’s wounds healed. But the Heroes had some business to attend to. Sylas had three ancient maces to see if they worth much, so with Eldaria in toe, one afternoon visited Kelvara, the Lord’s (and town’s) blacksmith. Sylas has spent much of his time in the past year in half in the service of Lord Mourava, with Kelvara, learning how to make weapons. A few months ago, Kelvara made Sylas a unique pauldron for his armor. Kelvara is the only other half-elf in Sorgusa, having come into Lord Mourava’s service about 8 years ago. She has been treated very well by the Lord and ensures the Lord’s family and his continent of the Tempore Guard are well equipped. Though many things could be sold at the General Store, Sylas knew that Kelvara was a much better option. She took one look at the three maces and noticed their fine quality. She was more interested in studying their craftsmanship, than reselling them. Eldaria was like a kid in a candy store, going around the smithy looking and picking up nearly everything. She did see some very nice arrowheads that could be fletched. 

Kelvara was very good at crafting metal weapons and armor, but often made swords simply as art for the good of her soul. The majority of her works were basic wares for the General Store, with the Lord gets a cut of the profits, like pots, pans, tools, and horseshoes. She also made fishing hooks for Carina at Net & Gear. 

Rules Break Out:

I am using the buying and selling rules in Dungeon Fantasy 2, which makes the Knight able to get more money out the weapons than would be anyone else in the party as Sylas has Comfortable Wealth (60% of sellable value). RAW allow a Reaction Roll to increase the Wealth level for selling by one. In the town of Sorgusa, the Heroes will automatically have this. The three weapons were sold for $120 each or ($360 total). Kelvara will also repair any of Sylas’ weapons for free, and his friends at a steep discount.

Meanwhile, Grace had become very intrigued by the coins they found underneath the statue of the Fishing Goddess. She spent some time showing them to Bjarke, who recognized them with a look of someone who had seen them before, but not necessarily knowing their history. There were too many people in the Inn at the time, but perhaps another time Grace could learn that story. But Bjarke did mentioned that he had seen Jaycen come into town early in the day, and was sure he would be back at the Ivory Oyster around dinner time. And like clockwork, as the first plates of baked fish with herbs came out on plates from the kitchen, Jaycen walked through the door. Grace had knew who he was, though perhaps had not had the opportunity to interact with him much, as Jaycen was mostly known as a gem merchant. Jaycen, as usual, was dressed garishly and unsurprisingly hails from Farallon to the east. Grace was able to find out that these coins were from before the Western Kingdom split asunder. Jaycen just knows of the legend of two brothers becoming rivals due to the machinations of some dark sorcerer that broke this part of Elandorr into Parduk and Tempore with the neutral ground between them. But on these coins is minted the second to last ruler of the Western Kingdom. To a collector, one might be able to get a little bit more with them, but for the most part, they are worth no more than any other Florin. Grace then remembered that she had found a bag of Aquamarine gems. Showing them to Jaycen, she could see that his eyes light up when he saw them. Being the socialite that Grace is, was able to coax more out of Jaycen than perhaps he intended. These gems were created by a now long dead, but famous gem crafter known as Fanel. But Fanel was in fact, Jaycen’s great, great, great, great grandfather, and showed Grace the Emerald crafted with the same insignia.

Rules Break Out:

Used the opportunity to teach Reaction Rolls, which Grace made successfully. This allowed her to gain the extra bit of information on the gems, which got her $156 for the entire bag.

The next morning, the Heroes began to go around their normal business when they see a merchant cog start to come in the bay to dock. The town started getting salted fish barrels rolled out of warehouses. From the keep came the Tempore Guards led by Slyas.